One Room Challenge – Our Home Office – Week 2

(Everything you see, we bought with our own money – nothing was sponsored or gifted). This post contains affiliate links, so we may earn a small commission when you make a purchase through links on our site at no additional cost to you.

A week down and I’ve already made one big fat questionable choice!! This week I slowly emptied out the office and organized all the stuff as I did. Once most of the stuff was out of there I made the split second decision that we would have so much more space if there weren’t doors on the closet, which needs to be better utilized anyways. Off they went and boy was I RIGHT! So I’ll sit with that for awhile and ponder exactly what should be done in that space. It’ll be painted too and the wire shelving will be removed.

So fun right?! I was sold. Off to buy the yellow paint. I used the wrong roller like a dummy so it took me about four times longer than it should have, I was sweating, I was confused, at one point I mumbled to myself, oh I love it!! Then I finished and stepped back. OH NO NO NO. It was all wrong and it was making me so angry. What had I done?? I felt as if all my credibility just got drenched in yellow paint and flushed down the toilet. I had everyone on Instagram along for the ride and I couldn’t just pretend like this never happened, as much as I wanted to.

So I admitted defeat, embarrassed, and asked for help picking the correct color for the ceiling. I wanted to stay in the same family as Urbane Bronze, but I didnt know if I wanted to commit to it being that dark on the ceiling as well. So I mocked up ( which I should have done with the yellow ) the different colors on the ceiling

In the end, this is mainly my husbands space so I let him have the final say, he went with porpoise. One step lighter than Urbane Bronze. (the least voted for option, hah!)

Oh and I took off the baseboards. It was so easy I almost forgot to mention it obviously, hah! I pulled them off with my hands, the previous owners hardly nailed them in and didn’t even finish them with caulk or paint. So obviously they had to go. I attempted to pull down the crown but seems as if thats where they put all their effort, cause those suckers are ON THERE. I’m hoping the new big crown will fit over top of them, suppose we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

So there we are!! One week down and really not much has happened hah! We have paint, and it was a journey. Next up is baseboard and crown! Come along with me as I figure out how the heck to cut crown molding!!

Dont forget to check out the ORC Featured Designers and the other guest designers!

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